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Player Registration Form

This form covers player liability waiver, UPSL registration fee's, and guarantees you or your child a trial or tryout for the team.

A tryout is a pre determined time and place where multiple new trialist get the opportunity to show their skills. 

A trial is where a trialist get's to join team training for a few days as a way to be evaluated.

Sign up to reserve your spot for the next tryout!

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Sex (Only male team for now)

Release of liability

By signing this, as the participant/ parent or legal guardian, I give permission to participate in the tryout offered by the Augusta Soccer Team and understand that some of these activities are designed to increase the workload on the musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular system and thereby improve the function. There exists the possibility of certain changes or risks occurring during any physical activity. They include muscle soreness, fatigue, abnormal blood pressure, fainting, irregular heart rhythm and in rare instances, heart attack, stroke or death. While these changes in addition to injury are rare, they are possible and cannot be predicted with complete accuracy. As the participant\ legal guardian, it is my responsibility to provide any medical information which may affect full participation in the tryout and report any adverse reactions or injury resulting from participation. A physical completed in the last year does not provide any reason to not participate in tryout activities. If an emergency should occur, I give the Augusta Soccer Team representatives permission to seek medical attention and provide care. I have read and understand the above and release the Augusta Soccer Team from any liability incurred through its tryout. 

Tryout with the Augusta Soccer Team
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